Password, smashword

Ok, so I’m not off to such a great start…confession, I lost, misplaced, forgot, fill in the blank…….I couldn’t sign back on to my own blog because I couldn’t remember my password! Wow, I’m glad I posted that for all the world to read. Yikes, so far I’m coming off really well.

Hey, I’ve got some news, I can move from a DAILY cervical traction schedule to THREE times a week, yipee…I think I’ll go for a MWF schedule. Always liked those classes in college best, those Tuesday/Thursday classes just “hung” on a bit too long, gosh, who knew there were so many bad traction jokes…..ok, so I’m signing off today…….in the words of Jim Halpert, “I’m boring myself just talking about it.”

Where to begin?

This is new to me, not the traction, the blogging. About a year ago my doctor told me that I’d have much better success keeping the feeling in my hands and arms if I sat in traction daily for about 20 minutes. Yeah, I took the news really well, I mean come on who doesn’t want to strap a cheap looking bra around their head and have a ten pound bag of water hanging from a door in their home as a conversation starter.

So, I started to think what can I do with this time? I could approach it like a preschooler feeling trapped in time out, not quite sure what I’ve done to deserve it or I could somehow figure out a way to put the time to “good” use. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I’m asking in advance your forgiveness of my arrogance that anybody might find my rambles the slightest bit interesting enough to read….but come on, cut me some slack, I’m hanging here. The blood no longer reaches every corner of my brain, I’m just passing the time until I get to do this all over again tomorrow!

If you want to come along for the traction ride, with all the swinging turns and tight squeezes then all aboard, Thoughts In Traction has lift off!